On3 DaY YoU`LL Lov3 M3, Th3 WaY i Lov3d YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL ThInK oF M3 ThE WaY i ThOuGhT oF YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL CrY FoR M3 Th3 WaY i CrIeD FoR YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL WaNt M3.BuT i WoN`t WaNt YoU.
Monday, March 16, 2009
How blue can I get, you could ask my heart. Just like a jigsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart. A million words couldn't say just how I feel. A million years from now, you know, I'll b luvin u still D nights r lonly,D days r so sad n I just keep thinkin' about D luv tat we hav. n I'm missing u n nobody knows it but me...
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