Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why am I Afraid To LoSe YoU wHeN YoU'rE NoT EvEn MiNe ?

A tear falls forever inside a Broken Heart

Although God demands a whole heart, He will accept a broken one, if He gets all the pieces

You hurt me more than I deserve, how can you be so cruel? I love you more than you deserve, why am I such a fool?

Learn to love someone who would never make you cry. If he hurts you real bad, then why don't you just say goodbye. You see, men are not worthy of precious tears, they just make us look terrible so please remember that my dear

Time goes by, life goes on, and all I can think of is why you're gone.

Let your loneliness, die in my arms

If you're thinking of me, you have to let me know, 'cause loneliness is such a waste

I am never alone with you in my heart.

Love hurts when you know that it will never come true

I’ve been alone with you inside my mind, and in my dreams I’ve kissed your lips a thousand times. I sometimes see you pass outside my door. Hello, is it me you’re looking for? I can see it in your eyes; I can see it in your smile. You’re all I’ve ever wanted and my arms are open wide, because you know just what to say, and you know just what to do, and I want to tell you so much - I love you

In my heart, there is a home where you'll never feel alone. In my hands, you'll find a shelter; Babe, I promise never to falter

Life's a prison when you're in love alone

Anyone who's never been hurt in love is either very lucky or very lonely

Be comforted and don't be lonely. The sun shines on you by day, and the moon and the stars reflect their light on you by night; thus you are loved by those around you, with an unceasing, bright love. Hold this love in your hopes and remember it in your prayers

How blue can I get, you could ask my heart. Just like a jugsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart. A million words couldn't say just how I feel. A million years from now, you know, I'll be loving you still. The nights are lonely, the days are so sad and I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had. And I'm missing you and nobody knows it but me

If the moon never came out and the stars did not shine, it would be one lonely world ... just as would the heart and soul without love.

Now that I have loved so purely and deeply, I have realized how lonely I really am

The time runs slowly...just like my tears

I'll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. I'll smile when you smile and feel all the pain you do, and if you cry a single tear, I promise I'll cry too

I fear not the Tears and Pain; I fear the loss of your Love and trust. I fear not the darkness in the Night; I fear God keeps you away from my sight

Ask me how many times my Heart has been Broken and I will tell you to look in the sky and count the stars

If tears could build a stairway, and memories were a cane, I would walk right up to heaven to bring you home again। No farewell words were spoken, no time to say good bye, you were gone before I knew it and God only knows why. My Heart still aches in Sadness, and secret Tears still flow ... what it meant to lose you, no one will ever know

Every moment I spend by your side, I feel a stab within my Heart ... as I come to realize that the tears that fall from my eyes are truly the Blood from my BrokenHeart

i GiVe My BLooD To KeEp YoUr RoSeS ReD

It's a long road when you face the world alone, when no one reaches out a hand for you to hold. You can find love if you search within your soul, and the emptiness you felt will disappear

If you ever leave me, I'm begging you, take me with you

Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it’s true, someone somewhere is thinking of you.”

For when a woman is left too much alone, sooner or later she begins to think;- And no man knows what then she may discover”

Time goes by, life goes on, and all I can think of is why you're gone

A BrokenHeart Is a Heart That Has Felt Love

When you love someone you can't imagine what it would be like if you didn't get to see them everyday, or hear them talk, laugh, or see them smile. It even hurts to just think about life without them

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me, the touch of your hand says you will catch me whenever I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all

I still love you with every broken piece of my heart. I'm still wondering why you took it, then tore it apart. I wonder what I did wrong, that made you let me go. I'm still hoping that one day, you will let me know ....

The time we spend apart will make our love grow stronger, but it hurts so bad, I can't take it any longer. I wanna grow old with you, I wanna die lying in your arms, I wanna grow old with you, I want be looking in your eyes, I wanna be there for you, sharing in everything you do ... I wanna grow old with you

Go ahead and say it: I love you. You can say it a thousand times. But, true love doesn't need to be told

Every waking moment, my heart burns for you. Found once again alone, I know not what to do. Let me tell you this, this one thing you should know; when you are in my arms again, I will not let you go

I know that you are not perfect and nor can I claim to be either, but please believe me, when I say that I want to be by your side, to hold your hand, to treasure you in the morning and in the noon-tide, to be next to you, to be held close to your heart now and for the rest of my living years, to comfort you, dry your tears and calm your most frightening fears, to fight your battles and show no shame to scream my love for you out loud all over the land

I WaLk3d aLon3 AgaiN.UpOn MiDnIGhT HoUr.YoU CaMe UpOn Th3 SuMm3r SuN, Br3aThiNg Th3 WiNdS oF y3sTerDaY Hop3 AnD ToMoRrOwS Dr3aMs.Part3d Th3 WaLLs,AnD sLiPp3D in Lik3 A Thi3f Of The NiGht.i G3nTly Smil3d An ShUtT3r3d A T3ar. YoUr VoIc3 CaLm3d My f3aRs, AnD Gentl3D My SouL.sLoWlY AnD Grac3fuLLy YoU DiSsApP3ar.My NiGhTs Ar3 CoLd and cL3aR.y3t Sh3LL i Cry a T3ar Of LoVe,Or Cov3r iT WiTh A GrUdGe.i b3l3ive Th3 QuEstiOnS Was cL3aR.YoU s33 ThAt MiL3s Ar3 For3v3r UnR3aL.And i aM ThE On3 ThaT F33Ls YoUr Lov3 WaS So R3aL. i WaLk3d aLoN3 AgAin UpOn Th3 MidNiGhT HoUr.My MiNd WaS Cl3aR.i F3lt No PaIn.noR DiD i f33L Th3 Lov3 YoU Onc3 sHaR3D.I H3arD YoUr CrYs AnD FeLt YoUr PaIn,Y3T YoU pLaY3D Th3 Gam3.My H3arT WaS NoT YoUrS.To TaK3.iGaV3 iT UnCoNtiOnaLly,AnD My SouL Was SoOn To FoLLoW.As AnG3r WaS To FoLLoW.ThOuGh iT WaS Hard To ShoLLoW.i FoUGhT DoWn Th3 No.WiP3D AwAy a miSpLaC3 T3ar,WiTh A SmiL3.Bow3D mY H3aD AnD Gav3 YoU a SiMpL3 Y3S. Th3 Lov3 I HaV3 Is MiNe To K33p.YoU Gav3 iT Back To Me.N3v3r ThiNkiN WhaT iTs LiK3 FoR

I'm sTanDing Her3 aLon3 wHeRe YoU LeFt M3 i ThiNk I'Ve RuN OuT AgAin,RuN OuT oF ThInGs To SaY,THiNgS To Do,THInGs To THiNk AbOuT YoU AbOuT Me.i FiNd My SeLf QuIeT, wItH NoThIng LeFt To SaY I'Ve UsEd Up My WorDs,My THoUGhts,My FeeLiNgS, And NoW I'm sTaNdIng HeRe aLoNe wHeRe YoU LeFt Me WiTH NoThInG Me,wHiCh Is NoTHinG aT aLL..

I always thought that blood was the only thing that bound people together. Now I realized it could also be love

It's a long road when you face the world alone, when no one reaches out a hand for you to hold. You can find love if you search within your soul, and the emptiness you felt will disappear

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me, the touch of your hand says you will catch me whenever I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all

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