On3 DaY YoU`LL Lov3 M3, Th3 WaY i Lov3d YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL ThInK oF M3 ThE WaY i ThOuGhT oF YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL CrY FoR M3 Th3 WaY i CrIeD FoR YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL WaNt M3.BuT i WoN`t WaNt YoU.
Memories are pain, so they need to be forgotten. But some memories are such pain, if they're forgotten then it's like forgetting our life as they're the only reason for survival ;)
isn't it weird... memories how good or bad..they always bring tears in the eyes..
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