Sunday, July 6, 2008

Time is the most important thing in the world. It is the only thing that can fix my broken heart. It is the only thing that keeps me going, and it is the only thing that keeps my hopes alive

I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart

Don't ever give up if you still want to try, don't ever wipe your tears if you still want to cry. Don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know. Don't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go

As our Pastor stated at the wedding ceremony: 'Don't ever stop dating your wife.' and 'Don't ever stop flirting with your husband

The words I love you are not for anyone to say from their mouth to their beloved one. It's a feeling that you can whisper to each other from heart-to-heart without saying it aloud

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